Monday, July 19, 2010

Upscale Supermarket in DoBro

This place is so necessary. With Oro down the block, below Toren and down the block from Belltel Lofts, they've got built in customers.

Crains New York (Grocery coming to Toren on Flatbush Ave


  1. This will be a great addition to the neighborhood with Brooklyn Fare, Perlandra and Downtown Natural Market on Willoughby all right there. With the new supermarket at Myrtle and Ashland, Trader Joe's, Garden of Eden all within a 15 minute walk, plus Farmers Markets at Borough Hall and Ft. Greene park, residents of Downtown will have some of the best food buying options in Brooklyn.

  2. I hope your right. We can really use some restaurants a quick walk from the center of Downtown.
