In my opinion, this appears to be a very one sided view of what is happening in Downtown Brooklyn. I wouldn't be surprised if FUREE funded it themselves. They forget to tell you that an unusually small amount of people have been displaced from there homes because the rezoning that happened in 2004 which was manly targeted at using under utilized commercial spaces and turning them into luxury rentals and condos. I was born and raised in Brooklyn and come from humble beginnings. Am I now supposed to feel guilty because I'm in a better place financially and am very interested in Downtown Brooklyn becoming more diverse? I think not. Neighborhoods in Brooklyn have gone through many changes over the last 30-40 years. It took all this time for people to realize that Downtown is a prime location to live and commute into the city.
The truth of it all is Fulton Mall is changing to accommodate some of the new residential arrivals. It won't be exactly the way it was before. You can't freeze time because you liked the olden days. It just doesn't work that way. Does anyone remember what Park Slope looked like in the mid 1980's? Unfortunately, I do. Not a fun place to live or drive through. I welcome the new and improved Downtown with open arms.
On another note, the vibe I was picking up on in this video clip lead me to believe that the title should read "why are all of these OTHER people walking where I shop with my people".
I'm calling it like I see it.